i am a documentary editor (and occasional producer and cinematographer) living in cold spring, ny and working out of new york city. i hold an mfa in social documentary film from the school of visual arts, as well as a ba in sociology from suny geneseo. in 2023, i began a full time role at the metropolitan museum of art as a staff editor, crafting short films about the museum’s collections, exhibitions, the artists who make them, and the people tasked with caring for an interpreting them.

my background of academics and personal interests is pretty diverse, including: contemporary classical and pop music history, cuisine, sociological theory, and theatre — all of which i continue to study. i strive to uncover the connections across my background and interests and use them to guide my work.


from my first courses in film theory and production, i knew i was going to be an editor. edward dmytryk said, "editing brought film to life by bringing life to film." with that as a starting point, i view my relationship to the craft more as a symbiosis. the editor brings film to life by bringing life to film, and the film brings life to the editor in turn. 


second to my love of editing, i am passionate about cooking and learning about food. i spend much of my free time researching and applying cooking techniques and recipes.

i actually do a lot of my editing while cooking. by settling into the quiet rhythm that food prep has become for me, i am able to clear my mind. this subconscious clarity often allows me to realize the solution to a challenge i am facing in the edit. the power of food.

white — a blank page or canvas.
the challenge:
bring order to the whole through design, composition, tension, balance, light, and harmony.
— stephen sondheim [sunday in the park with george]